Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random stuff

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written anything. While I can't think of anything big that has happened in our family the past month or so, here are a few random happenings from the Hinckley household.
Edison has been cutting teeth, which is no fun for either him or us, but he sure looks cute with his toothy grins. :) He now has two teeth up top and two on the bottom.

A few weekends ago we went on a "family outing." We were originally going to go to the pool here at our apartment complex, but it happened to be closed for cleaning. So we decided to go to a park to let the kids play. Evelyn and I had made apple juice popsicles, so we brought them along in the cooler. It's a good thing that we had the popsicles, because after being inside all day, it didn't even cross my mind that it was, oh, 102 degrees outside. Luckily part of the park was in the shade and we had the popsicles and some water, but next time I'll think about the weather.

Edison enjoyed trying the popsicle, although he wasn't too sure about it at first...

...but then he decided that he liked it.

And Evelyn and I finished the summer preschool class I've been doing. I think it went pretty well, and Evelyn is excited to start back up next month.