Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It's interesting to see some of the things that Evelyn does and the way that her mind works sometimes. For example, she calls her mittens "oven mitts" and pretends her toy bins are swimming pools for "the guys" (aka--her dolls and stuffed animals).

And this morning she was playing the "piano" by hitting beaters on a book--she likes the metallic ring that they make when she hits them and says they're making music.
She also uses her bed as a bus, a boat, a car, etc. depending on what game she's playing, like the picture below. She and all of "the guys" are on the bus after playing school.

Ahh, the joys of being 2 (almost 3!).

Can you guess who picked the ensemble?


Katie said...

Ha, I love it! McKay and I sure miss her, and I'm sure if he could remember, Tyler would too.

Cindy said...

These are SO CUTE!!! I love it that she calls all her toys, "the guys." She is so creative.

brinestone said...

Adorable! I too love that she calls her toys "the guys." Liam has recently had an explosion with pretending things. He's constantly telling me things like, "I'm pretending the spoon is a popsicle," or, "I'm pretending my door is a monster door."

Suzanne said...

I love this pretending stage! We're definitely big fans of the whole dress-up, pretending, and picking out "creative" outfits as well. It's also been fun to see Miriam starting to pretend with things now, too (nearly everything becomes a hat, and one of her favorite games is to "pretend" to eat play food or with play dishes, and then feed her toys, too). I can't wait to see you guys in two months!